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└── a blog about my journey to software engineer

Week Twelve - And That's A Wrap

Projects, React1 min read

Week Twelve! Bootcamp has come and almost gone (last day's Monday) in what feels like a moment.

I've been chipping away at Project 4, my final project, since last Friday. I decided to build a personal website for my yoga teaching practice. Until now, I had been operating out of a mediocre at best Wix site. As of next Monday, it'll be my own.

So far, I've got my back end sorted out, front end almost completely done. The only blocker at the moment is figuring out how to build the tables I need in the admin dashboard. I'm in a bit of a pickle with it. I'd like to have the ability to display and sort through a lot of data. Additionally, I need to have multiple tables; one for monitoring my userbase, class schedule, and student messages, respectively. I'm using Chakra UI and Material UI for the bulk of the design, and know I'll have to use React tables. But figuring out exactly how I'll implement the tools I have to build exactly what I want is a mind bender. I have some ideas, though and will share updates as soon as I've worked something out.

Here are some shots of what I have right now:

My home page:

Home Page

About page:

About Page

Classes page:

Classes Page

Pricing page:

Pricing Page

Contact page:

Contact Page

Plus simple login and register pages.

The plan for the weekend is to integrate Stripe so that when a user clicks the '+' on a class block, a payment modal pops up. Once their payment's processed, the class block will render both in the public schedule and their personal class schedule on the right hand side of the classes page. And to sort out the sdmin dashboard, which I'm expecting to take up the majority of my time.

Overall, I'm really pleased with how the project's taken shape thus far!

I'm planning to post again on Monday or Tuesday with an overview of the tools I used on this project and an update on the final product.

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